Georgia Zone 6: White Oak Luck Comes Through Again! Whopper Gator Hit with Two Harpoons!
White Oak Swamp, Camden County, Ga. September 26, 2010 by Captain Phil Walters of The South's Most Experienced...
Georgia Zone 6: White Oak Luck Comes Through Again! Whopper Gator Hit with Two Harpoons!
12’ + White Oak Dinosaur falls to Sportsmen
Search for the Big Gator...Gator hunting ain't what it used to be!
Deepwater Gator Harpooning? Try a “BoneCrusher” Harpoon!
Mississippi Slip!: Bring a snare on your Gator Hunt!
Gator Hunting Across the South - Fast action excitement for the family in these fair chase hunts!
Camp Martha Johnson hosts Trailblazer event for Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia
Stealth approach to a wily gator works like a charm!
Divas of the Moonlight: Bugs, Spiders & Gators don’t Frazzle Adventure